There is general belief that nature and health are inseparable. Without conducive nature patterns and enabling surroundings, communities may not attain total wellbeing especially in health and income generation. Young children, especially of school-going age through supporting their families also participate in economic and social activities. Children contribute to the majority of the population in the district estimated at 4 children per household (Uganda Demographic and health survey -UDHS 2012). Therefore, YOLIDA blended a program to arouse the curiosity of young children towards nature protection. YOLIDA agrees that all children are born Artists and love to draw and paint especially using colour. Under this program, young children are visited in schools to participate in a blended program of drawing and painting from nature. As they draw and or paint features of nature and surroundings like hills, rivers, trees, insects, animals, and birds etc, they are facilitated to discuss what they think is their importance to man. Exceling drawers and painters are rewarded and instituted and nature and conservation ambassadors and committed to extend the discussion to their families. This Art approach will enable young children to learn the the surrounding and their heritage as they grow.
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